The Unique Attributes Maya Fiennes Incorporates in Her Yoga Teachings

With yoga now practiced by millions of people, there is no wonder as to why thousand, of so-called gurus are surfacing both online and off. However, only a few of these yoga gurus have managed to help their students. One of these successful gurus is Maya Fiennes. If you are a beginner in the world of yoga or if you are just about to start, it is highly recommended that you consider following this particular guru’s teachings. This article will help you find out how she has been able to help her students achieve better health and live with inner peace through her useful Kundalini Yoga DVD and videos.

About the teacher

Maya Fiennes was born in Macedonia. Before she became one of the most influential yoga teachers, she was first known as a classical pianist. Through her experience as a successful performer and classical pianist, which she then combined with her upbeat and positive personality, she was able to come up with a unique yoga methodology that fit best for those in the living in the modern world. Her revolutionary yoga style, which is based on KundaliniYoga, allowed her to lead her students to better health, more confidence, and inner peace.

Maya’s philosophy has made her one of the most sought after and in demand instructors for yoga. Her classes are known for being extremely uplifting, fun, and, most of all, inspirational.

The unique attributes of her teachings

As mentioned above, Maya was a successful performer before she became a yoga instructor. Her expertise in classical piano is actually one of the aspects that make her teachings and classes so unique. She combined the success she obtained from being a classical pianist with her upbeat and positive personality in order to create the unique style of meditation and yoga she currently teaches. While many of the classes that yoga practitioners attend are conservative, Maya has been able to incorporate a true sense of fun into hers.

The ability to utilize fun in her classes is one of the reasons her yoga teachings have become so successful. Maya also uses her own music in the classes that she teaches. Her original music can also be heard in her products, including her DVDs. With the performer side of her, she is able to provide her students with the tools that they need for transformation, accompanied with beautiful original music.

The availability of her teachings

Maya’s teachings have grown since the beginning. She has expanded into different types of mediums, including television, public events, merchandise, retreats, workshops, DVDs and CDs.

If you want to learn more about Maya Fiennes and her products, such as her Kundalini Yoga DVD, visit Yoga Technology online at

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